Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Brick by Boring Brick

Isn’t that a song title? Isn’t that a song from Paramore? Yipiyipi that’s Paramore’s song. And it is being played by Paramore in front of my face now ! do you believe me? definitely no, I know. But I’m not joking because I’m watching that video now with max volume HA-HA-HA #jayustadiumakhir

Yaaa I’m not gonna tell you about that cool song specifically, I just wanna curhat cause I’m on a ‘cycle of boredom’ right now, dimana kebosanan itu seperti siklus kadang muncul kadang enggak (?), damnbored.

I have just posted my latest post a few hours a go and decided to go offline. But I still don't have any activities so I’m online again now! Okay actually, I should be having basketball practice at my lovely school right now but Tuhan berkata lain, I have to accompany my papa to visit my grandma, like usual in Saturdays.

And I just remembered that I still have many tasks from my teachers, final tasks. Damnthing hah? I had studied hard for my UAS but still have a lot to do on my list, I usually call it HELLIST (gakpenting)

Those tasks are LH and Bahasa Indonesia kalo gak salah, what more ya? Lupa dah I’m google-ing now to search about my Bahasa Indonesia task, and don’t want to think about my LH, males ah, capek. You know what kind of the task that had been given by Mrs. Irma for us? She gave us what we called 3R Project, Recycle Reduce Re-use (I don’t really know gimana urutannya and I'm too lazy to find it out from google) yang pasti, gue adalah orang orang yang tidak pernah punya ide bagus untuk hal-hal seperti ini.

Ya although finally my group decided to make a BOAT yang gak jelas itu, we often parno aja it’ll be rejected by Mrs.Irma, oke stop to talk about it, perut gue udah mulai gak enak.

Eh I have a vacation duty loh, dan itu adalah DRAMA, can you read it well? Read it carefully please mamen or let me spell it, D-R-A-M-A. oh God, the word that I never want to hear in my life, I don’t know why but sometimes I feel my stomach reacts (again) when suddenly that damnword ‘comes’ . ya ampun bisa dibilang singing in front of jutaan orang is better than when I have to make some dialogue script terus harus acting -______-
biarpun suara gue ya begitu~

Dan hubungannya dengan lagu yang sedang gue dengarkan berkali-kali ini adalaaaaaaah, gak ada sih, It’s not really connected with my problem, I just thought this is a coooooool song which has a cooool title, cool gak sih? cool kali, ‘Bring by Boring Brick’, I guess there is no song has a same title, and its lyric is incomparable.

This is a part of its lyrics, from its reff:

Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle

Or maybe like this:

Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury my self alive, bury my self alive

Maksa ya? HA-HA-HA iya emang maksa banget dah yaudah mending nonton sama dengerin dulu aja lagunya ya, and I'm sure you will find something that umh you have never imagined before lah (apasih)

okaaaay sekian basa-basi gue yang basi banget ini, mudah mudahan gak bosen bacanya yaa, I think I have wasted my time and I'm sure from my deepest heart (?) I'll regret it

soalnya ketika gue masih punya banyak pekerjaan gak seharusnya gue merasa bosan, setelah bosan gue pasti menyesal
bosan-lalu menyesal, bosan-lalu menyesal, bosan-lalu menyesal

a minute with take some rest maybe more important than buang buang waktu buat online begini yaaa
so I’m gonna continue my task with a headset still hanging on my ears dan aku rasa aku harus konsentrasi sedikit,

have a great weekend and holidaaaay yaaa byeeeeeeee

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